Artist Bio

Amber Wood makes work about the value of time and labor, humanity, and community in both figural and non-objective work though pastels, paint, textile, ceramic, and murals. Across all mediums and modalities, they prize the uniquely human character of the lovingly handmade, and strive for meticulous craft and human connection.

Wood has enjoyed teaching ceramic handbuilding and building community in the Cincinnati ceramic scene throughout her time studying fine art at the University of Cincinnati. Due to graduate with a BFA in Spring of 2024, they are preparing to pursue an M.F.A. and continue a career of teaching and studio art.

Wood holds a bachelor of science in Psychology from the University of North Florida and has worked across with pediatric, adult, and geriatric populations in inpatient psychiatry, crisis response, psychometry, and behavioral care. This decade of clinical experience has imparted both a a deep appreciation of the power of therapeutic art across demographics, especially pediatric neurodivergent and adolescent trauma populations, and a passion for and fluency with disability advocacy, universal design, and education accommodations.

Living and working in various cities and communities around the US in the south, pacific northwest, and now midwest has imbued Wood with an unwavering affection and solidarity with the working-class and marginalized communities worldwide. Immersed in the fight for tenant and worker's rights, decolonialism, LGBTQ+ equality, and reproductive freedom, their Fellow Worker portrait series began Wood’s examination of art's role in fostering solidarity and honoring the people who make the world work. Wood continues to explore the dynamics of value, craftsmanship, authorship, ownership, and community in their work.